LSHC Ladies First v St Ives 1sts

Played Away on 5th January 2013
Next Match
12th Jan 2013 Mens 3rd - Away vs Horncastle 2nds


Lorraine Wallis profile

Favourite Food:
Demi Moore
Sutton started well pushing onto St Ives in the first few minutes, making some great tackles and runs down the left and right wing. Unfortunately on 10 minutes St Ives had a break through and managed to slot a goal in putting them one ahead. This didn't stop Sutton, the defence stayed strong playing some excellent balls out to the midfield and attack and they pushed forward trying to achieve results at the oppositions end but weren't successful. Lorraine Wallis making some great saves kept the score down to 1-0 at the end of the first half.
In the second half Sutton knew they had to attack hard and made some great play by the midfield and forwards, they had nothing to lose so the defence pushed up as well which gave Sutton chances. St Ives made a couple of breaks into Sutton's D but with the strong defence they kept the ball away from the goal. St Ives took the first short corner, which Gemma Parr made a superb save on the goal line deflecting it away from the goal. Then Sutton had their chances when the gained a couple of short corners but were unfortunate not to score. Overall it was a great team effort and well played by everyone.
Report by Katie Ireland.