LSHC Ladies First v Royston 1sts

Played Away on 2nd November 2013
Next Match
2nd Nov 2013 Mens 4th - Away vs Horncastle 2nds


Gemma Parr profile

Favourite Food:
Anything Edible
Favourite Song:
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
Theodore (Chipmunks)

Long Sutton travelled to Royston knowing that this was going to be a tough game against a team doing equally as well in the league as Sutton!

Sutton started the game extremely brightly with Charlie Leuty making attacking runs from the midfield and putting pressure on their defence pretty much straight away! A great ball from Louise Southgate saw Sarah Walker take a shot which was deflected by the defence into the air which the goalkeeper misjudge only for Charlie Leuty to capitalise and slot the ball in to the back of the net! 1-0 Long Sutton and a great start to the game!

The defence of Sally Cade, Gemma Parr, Tania White and Jess Hudson stood strong whilst CJ dealt with anything that did come through with ease!

The second half started pretty much the same way but with Royston starting to pressurise the defence! The game also started to get a bit heated and with a couple of interesting decisions from the umpire Royston got a free hit outside the D which they scored from to make it 1-1!

It was important for Sutton to settle down and channel their annoyance in the appropriate way and they did with some great work in the midfield from Fiona Gray and Georgina Mablethorpe finding Leanne Woodhead upfront who calmly slotted the ball away! 2-1 up and Sutton continued putting the pressure! A tireless amount of running by Becky Kierman saw the Royston defence constantly under pressure and after winning a short corner Sutton saw Sarah walkers shot deflected of a defender and put in to their own net! 3-1 Sutton with not long left it was now about running the clock down however a late short corner saw Royston pull the deficit back to 3-2 but that was how it ended!

POTM was shared between Gemma Parr for her rock solid defending and Charlie Leuty for her non stop running!

Great performance by all but special mention to CJ Robinson and Georgina Maplethorpe for stepping up from the ladies 2s and having an outstanding performance well done everyone!

Report by Leanne Woodhead.