LSHC Ladies Second v Skegness 1sts

Played Away on 13th October 2012
Next Match
13th Oct 2012 Mens' 1st - Away vs Waltham Forest 1sts


Katie Ireland profile

Favourite Food:
Favourite Song:
Cold Coffee - Ed Sheeran
Kelly Brook

Long Sutton started off with a push against Skegness but were unable to hold it for the match.

Skegness being a much stronger team attacked Sutton hard and Sutton found it hard to regain territory into the opposition half. Sutton had a strong defence, with Goodge pushing the ball wide to the wings clearing it from the D to Plumb, Howard and Howard who made the runs but Skegness were too strong to hold up as they attacked back into the D. Billingham and Goodley ran and tackled well to help prevent Skegness pushing forward while Worth, Hunt and Warwick made some excellent tackles and got the ball back out wide. Unfortunately Skegness were too strong for Sutton to hold and managed to score a few goals in both halves. The goal was covered well by emergency keeper Lisa Baker and the defence but Skegness found the right areas of the goal to score into. Ireland cleared the ball well from the D and the half way down to the Skegness defence baseline, for Goodley and Lamming to hopefully get a touch on it but it was proven difficult with the interceptions of Skegness. The short Corners were defended strong after trying a new technique it worked well and the short corners were no longer being turned into goals. Overall the team played well, with the up and coming new players from the juniors having their First league game sagely assisted by the still young but more experienced player of the match Katie Ireland.





Report by Katie Ireland.