LSHC Ladies Second v Horncastle 2nds

Played Home on 20th October 2012
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20th Oct 2012 Mens' 2nd - Away vs Spalding 3rds


Leah Goodley profile


Long Sutton Ladies 2nds 16 Horncastle Ladies 2nds 0

Sutton headed out onto the pitch with not just a squad of 11, but a full squad of 16 players with a range of ages and abilities, but it was a Great performance by all.

Sutton started off pushing hard into Horncastles half and D and continued to push hard throughout the whole match which showed on the final outcome.

Every player on the pitch played very well, making some brilliant tackles and runs but even better they made some great goals! Horncastle had one chance on goal, which Claire Billingham made an excellent save and kept a clean sheet through the match. In the first half sutton made 7 goals, 4 from Ireland, 1 from Louise Billingham, 1 from Howell and 1 from Baker, these goals were made with some great assists from Howell, Goodley and Carr. In the second half Sutton upped their game even more, taking on another 8 goals 1 from Billingham, 1 from Baker, 1 from Lamming, 1 from Howell, 2 from Carr and 3 from Ireland. These goals came in goal after goal, from deflections to powerful shots to short corner strikes. Sutton had some great runs from the midfield and forwards with the defence playing well and the juniors getting stuck in and making some great tackles for there first league match! It was a great match and great effort from everyone! Special mentions to Coach Worth from the sideline who managed the substitutions to an Olympic standard and Leah Goodley for her Player of the Match performance.

Report by Katie Ireland.