LSHC Ladies Second v Lincoln 2nds

Played Home on 27th October 2012
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27th Oct 2012 Mens' 1st - Away vs Wisbech Town 1sts


Helen Worth profile


Long Sutton had a great team out against strong opposition. In the first half Sutton made many chances but were unfortunate not to make the most of them. Some great balls came from the defensive line working its way from Worth down the line to Howell on the wing. The runs that were made were great, but not enough to put the ball away in the Lincoln goal with some great keeping from Lincoln. Unfortunately Lincoln were lucky to place the ball in the Sutton goal from their short corner strikes but this didn't reflect on the defending from Baker, Hunt, Goodge, Worth and Warrick. Some great attacking in the first half keep the ball in Lincolns half putting pressure on them which came from Ireland, Billingham, Howell, Smith, Carr, Temple and Lamming. The first half finished off with Lincoln ahead at 2-0 but this didn't stop Sutton Trying. Sutton came back, having changed positions, Ireland became sweeper as Baker played forward. With the ball being played out the defence well, it gave the forwards more chances in Lincolns half, with the pressure, the oppositions defence line broke giving Baker a chance of a reverse sweep which put the ball in the back of the net, giving Sutton their goal. Lincoln were then lucky again to attack hard making some breaks and luckily slotting the ball into the corner of Sutton's goal. Overall Sutton played well and the score doesn't reflect the game as Sutton pushed hard and had a lot of possession but were just unfortunate to not succeed with their many chances. Player of the match Helen Worth.

Report by Katie Ireland.