LSHC Ladies Second v Lincoln Roses 2nds

Played Home on 8th December 2012
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8th Dec 2012 Mens 3rd - Home vs Spalding 4ths


Laura Temple profile


Long Sutton started off the match straight into pressuring the opposite team, attacking them hard which the attack carried on for the first 10 – 15 minutes as striker, katie Ireland gave Sutton there first goal by playing it round the defence and keeper. Lincoln Roses then took hold and made a couple of breaks into the defence which Miar Goodge, Jess Hudson, Jill Warwick and Helen Worth took hold of well making some excellent tackles and clearing the ball out wide. With the quick feet of Jeorgia Carr, the ball was played strongly to Laura Temple in the middle who attacked hard into the D with it. The midfield, Catherine Plumb made some good tackles and helped push into the D where she stood herself in the right place for the rebound and sweeped the ball in giving Sutton their second goal. Sutton kept the attack hard when they gained short corner after short corner with the ball played out hard it gave Katie Ireland another chance to put the ball in back of the goal, which was struck hard to secure the third goal for Sutton. Sutton kept their tails up with the younger team mates playing some great balls. Laura Temple ran the centre midfield well attacking the D trying to give opportunities to the forward and wingers. It wasn't soon until Sutton attacked the D hard again and Ireland put the ball in the bottom left hand corner of the Roses goal, giving the fourth goal to Sutton. Sutton came off the ball for a bit but after a team talk at half time they knew they couldn't let it slack in the second half. The defence stayed strong with some great play by Helen Worth up the line to Millie Lambing who played some great balls into the D. Laura Temple took hold of the ball and made some great strikes on goal which secured Sutton there fifth goal. Unfortunately Roses broke and unfortunately made a couple of goals. Sutton kept their heads up where Laura Temple made another great effort on goal which put Sutton up one more. The Match became heated when Sutton picked up their game after a Roses player was tripped accidently but this didn't stop Sutton and they emphasised victory when Ireland struck in the seventh goal for Sutton leaving it at a 7-2 win. It was a great performance, from the wingers , midfield and defence! And a well deserve win.

Report by Katie Ireland.