LSHC Ladies Second v Horncastle 2nds

Played Away on 9th February 2013
Next Match
9th Feb 2013 Mens 4th - Away vs Spalding 4ths


Jeorgia Carr profile


Long Sutton started the match the stronger, putting instant pressure on the Horncastle defence. After the first and the second goal was disallowed, Anna Smith put the first two efforts behind her and slotted home with a solid strike to open the scoring. The pressure was maintained by the mid field with some good work from Helen Worth, and Rachel Gadsden finally got rewarded for her running by slotting in number two. Number 3 came courtesy of a strike by Jeorgia Carr being stopped on the line by a Horncastle foot. The resultant penalty flick was converted expertly by Smith. Going into half time, Sutton felt comfortably in control, and felt they they deserved the 3-1 lead.

After the break, Horncastles players showed a superior fitness, which was told as they pressed the Sutton defence. Sutton however were put 4-1 up by Carr slotting in off the keepers pads. Shortly after however, a well taken strike by Horncastle beat the otherwise impecable goalkeeping of Claire Billingham to make it 4-2. Sutton continued to look dangerous and pressed the Horncastle defence, with plenty of attacking play down both wings. Suddenly, Carr made a run from the sideline towards the D, before slotting the ball towards goal. This led to a touch on the pads of the Horncastle keeper, deflecting the ball into the net. Once again, Sutton had a three goal advantage, but they still had to work hard to keep Horncastle at bay, especially after a deserved goal which left the score at 5-3. A well contested game with a deserved win for Sutton.

Report by Sam Carr