LSHC Ladies Second v Horncastle 2nds

Played Away on 5th October 2013
Next Match
5th Oct 2013 Mens' 2nd - Home vs Ely City 2nds


Sally Cade profile


On Saturday 5th October, the Ladies second team travelled to play Horncastle 1sts.  The first goal was scored by Emma Howell within the first 5 minutes, after what was a great run, dodging the defence and striking the ball home. Sutton was denied what should have been a second goal soon after. It was not long before Horncastle equalised and subsequently took the lead with a second goal before halftime. 

In the second half Sutton rallied, and Millie Lambing scored the equalizer with a strong shot on goal. Sutton then managed to keep Horncastle at bay, using good teamwork and great defensive play to keep the score 2-2 at full time. The team played with a positive attitude and it was with the consistent effort of the team that we levelled the game. It was a great day and lets hope that the positive attitude of the team continues throughout the season. Player of the match was awarded to Sally Cade.



Report by Hannah Maris