LSHC Ladies Second v Boston 1sts

Played Home on 2nd November 2013
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2nd Nov 2013 Mens' 2nd - Away vs St Ives 2nds


Leah Goodley profile


Sutton started slowly in this local derby allowing Boston to take control and cause havoc down their right hand side, however the home side woke up after 2 quick goals from the visitors, one being an unlucky deflection off the keepers pads, and put constant pressure on the attacking goal. Excellent running down the right by Emma Howell and good mid field distribution by Leah Goodley, Laura Temple and Amber Jones gave Sutton numerous short corners. Sadly, the Boston defence worked hard to defend their goal and the home team were unable to convert. Tireless pressure by Lisa Baker gave Boston concerns and kept them on their toes. Shortly before half time, Boston scored their third of the day against the run of play.
The second half saw Sutton pour pressure on the visitors, being rewarded with several more short corners one of which was superbly put in the back of the net by Laura Temple, a well deserved goal. Suttons defence were determined to keep the visitors out of their half and Jayme Hunt sat on her player for the duration. Despite continued pressure, Sutton were unable to capitalise from their attacks but can take away many positives from the game and return in two weeks time refreshed and raring to go.

Report by Helen Worth.