LSHC Ladies Second v Wisbech 2nds

Played Home on 30th November 2013
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30th Nov 2013 Mens' 2nd - Away vs Wisbech 3rds


Georgina Maplethorpe profile


It didn't take long for Sutton to realise why Wisbech Ladies were unbeaten at the top of the table. Suttons young and enthusiastic mid field of Gray, Carr, Goodley and Maplethorpe were soon over-whelmed by the speed, experience and skill of the Wisbech side. But all credit to them there heads never went down and they fought to the end. Similarly the defence were unable to cope with the fast passing interchanges by Wisbech and were conceding short corner after short corner. Had it not been for Sutton's keeper the tally would have been many more. The mid field managed to get the forwards of Emma and Dawn Howell going on a number of occasions and Emma Howell caused problems and won several short corners but Suttons rising stars just couldn't convert. There was a questionable penalty flick decision that could have gone Suttons way when the keeper took out Howell on one of her decisive runs. Sutton keeper saved a flick from the opposition. This was a lesson on how to play hockey from a very well drilled Wisbech side with a wealth of talent and experience. Suttons youngsters however did themselves proud despite the score line.

Report by Sam Carr