LSHC Ladies Second v Spalding 2nds

Played Away on 15th February 2014
Next Match
15th Feb 2014 Mens' 1st - Away vs Felixstowe 1sts


Leah Goodley profile


Sutton started rather sluggishly in this local derby and allowed Spalding into their D on numerous occasions. Any 50-50 ball appeared to give Spalding the opportunity to retain possession. Before Sutton decided to wake up and get into second gear, the home team had slotted 2 goals into the visitors net and gained in confidence. Leah Goodley maintained control of the midfield but lacked the support from her team mates to cause any real concerns to the Spalding defence despite some strong runs down the right wing by Emma Howell. Sutton were unable to pull back the deficit and Spalding scored again before the half time whistle.
The team talk at half time shocked the visitors into stronger and more attacking play and they were unlucky not to get more decisions in their favour. Their work rate picked up and saw the home side become more frustrated by the sound defence of Warrick, Goodge, Hunt & Worth. Sutton can be pleased with their efforts in the second half preventing the home team from adding to their tally and can take away a few positives from an unsettled and bruised side.

Report by Helen Worth.