LSHC Ladies Second v Horncastle 2nds

Played Home on 14th December 2013
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4th Jan 2014 Mens 3rd - Away vs City of Peterborough Vets


Millie Lamming profile


Long Sutton started with the usual young line up, at the front and across the mid-field, with the experience settled in defence and a welcome return to the goal by the Welsh Dragon - Rhian Goodge. The first ten minutes saw some lovely inter passing and pressure resulting in a number of short corners. The first goal came from a short corner, with Millie Lamming crisply striking the ball out to Jeorgia Carr who fired a first time shot into the goal. Horncastle rallied and pressured the Long Sutton defence but Mair Goodge marshalled the defence keeping Horncastle at bay. The next goal came from a ball struck towards goal by Lisa Baker and Millie Lamming turned it round the keeper to go into the interval two goals to the good.

The second half started much the same with the tireless right wing running of Georgina Maplethorpe causing problems for the Horncastle defence. And when she took an occasional breather, they were then faced with more of the same from Amber Jones. More short corners were won and this brought a lovely passing move,
struck out by Lamming collected by Carr slip to Goodley who played it back to Carr who slipped it to Lamming to finish her second at the post. A quality move and goal by anyone's standards. Horncastle then put the ball into the goal from a
short corner, but as the ball was struck outside the D, it was disallowed. The work rate was good from everyone on the pitch and just rewards was another goal, the ball put across the goal face by Goodley finished at the back post again by Millie Lamming for number three and her hat trick.

A very good team performance.

POTM was jointly awarded to Millie Lamming and Georgina Maplethorpe.

Report by Sam Carr.