LSHC Mens' First v Wisbech Town 1sts

Played Away on 27th October 2012
Next Match
27th Oct 2012 Ladies 2nd - Home vs Lincoln 2nds


Fred Whatling profile


Sutton travelled to the league leaders on Saturday hoping to upset their 100% record. Both teams started well and it was Sutton who should have gone ahead after some great work from Sisson. Sisson continued to torment the Wisbech defence and deserved a goal for his efforts. Wisbech were lethal on the break causing Sutton lots of problems and they opened the scoring. Sutton continued to play well and created chances but Wisbech soon added another three quality team goals showing why they are unbeaten. 3-0 half time. The second half was end to end stuff with Whatling, playing in a new higher role, terrorising the left side but once again Sutton couldn't convert their good efforts where s Wisbech could. They scored another two goals and showed their quality attacking force which will be hard to stop by any defence. Sutton will take a lot of positives from a good performance but unfortunately they need to start scoring goals to match their good play.

Report by Jimmy Harrison.