LSHC Mens' First v Wisbech Town 1sts

Played Home on 16th February 2013
Next Match
16th Feb 2013 Mens 3rd - Away vs Alford & District 2nds


Ashley Taylor profile


Wisbech started at a high tempo in this local derby clash. Sutton defended well and played on the counter creating some good chances of their own. Wisbech deservedly opened the scoring and soon added a 2nd as their class shone. Sutton slowly came into the game more and a fine move saw a Shore aerial lovely controlled by Hales who crossed for the marauding Josh Fyson to tap home. Wisbech then added a third just before half time, a soft goal that should have been cleared. The second half was a more matched affair and Sutton should have had a second when Sisson smashed the ball into the D which was touched in by the Wisbech keeper as he fell to the ground. Luckily for the visitors the touch wasn't seen by the umpire and the goal not given. Sutton errors allowed Wisbech more of the ball which you can't do against such good opposition. Simon Clarke kept them at bay until a Wisbech short corner trickled over the line to make it 4. Wisbech then went down to 10 for dissent after Harrison moved a good 10 metres back before pulling off the tackle of the game. Wisbech kept the ball well but Sutton worked hard and were rewarded for their efforts in the last few seconds. Fyson added another one to his tally with a low short corner drag flick that the Wisbech couldn't keep out.

Report by Jimmy Harrison.