LSHC Mens' Second v Horncastle 1sts

Played Home on 10th November 2012
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10th Nov 2012 Mens' 1st - Away vs Havering 1sts


George Dixon Spain profile


Following the determination and good hockey of the previous week Sutton came back to earth with a bang.  As a team, the first half saw an unimpressive display from all parts of the park.  Playing against a well structured team who held the best defensive record in the league, Sutton found themselves a goal behind following a costly mistake at the back.  Following a strategic change in the centre of the park which saw Man of the Match George Dixon Spain replace Nick Bailey who moved into a forward position. Bailey soon found himself open in the 'D' when Jeremy Watt put an inch perfect pass through which Bailey was able to remarkably deflect the ball over the on rushing keeper.  The beast that is Sutton 2nds finally awoke. They began to pepper the Horncastle goal and after Bailey was able to win a short corner he was then able find to himself in a position to put Watts thunderbolt shot into the roof of the net.  Sutton were unlucky not tie up the result
following great link up play between Bailey and Luke Lovegrove with the latter narrowly thwarted by the keeper.  With minutes to go Bailey found himself in the right place again this time defending a short corner where he was able to clear a goal bound shot.  Sutton held on and were able to breath a sigh of relief following a difficult encounter against a good team.

 Report by Nick Bailey.