LSHC Mens' Second v St Neots 2nds

Played Home on 17th November 2012
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17th Nov 2012 Mens 4th - Home vs Spalding 4ths


Luke Lovegrove profile


 Sutton dominated this 4NW clash from start to finish. A lively start resulted in a sly poachers goal from Stef Fox after some good work from Bailey. Sutton continued to dominate the first half and it was no surprise when the ubiquitous Bailey finished after good work from Watt. The fantastic Fox then reacted quicker than the St. Neots defence to cleverly finish after more good work from Bailey. The half time score of 3-0 said more of the defensive intentions of the St. Neots side rather than the balance of play in the game.

The second half started with Alex Canham coming off the bench to score his first 2nd team goal, courtesy of excellent build up play from Grange, Bailey and Fox. Sutton continued to dominate, being driven forward by the tireless running of Man of the Match Lovegrove and the ever consistent Watt and Bailey.

St. Neots hardly troubled the Sutton defence who, whilst will have tougher challenges in the weeks to come, were once again well organised and efficient; however Sutton were restricted to only one more goal, which came from Bailey.

A 5-0 victory that consolidates Suttons position at the top of the table and sets them up for a run of 3 away games.

Report by Alex Canham.