LSHC Mens' Second v March Town 3rds

Played Away on 1st December 2012
Next Match
8th Dec 2012 Mens 3rd - Home vs Spalding 4ths


Nick Bailey profile

Favourite Food:
Favourite Song:
Ego War - Audio Bullies
Michael Stipe

March Town 3rd XI  2-12  Long Sutton 2nd XI Long Sutton 2nds finished the first half of the season showing no goodwill to their fellow men with a demolition of the leagues bottom club.  On a cold winters evening Sutton pressed early and it wasn't long before the deadlock was broken with man of the match Nick Bailey scoring the first of his 7 goals.  Sutton went into half time 5 nil up with Bailey claiming 4 and Stefan Fox the other.  The second half continued in the same vein with Jeremy Watt (2) and Luke Lovegrove getting on the score sheet and March scoring a remarkable own goal.  Though March pulled back a couple  of goals Sutton showed no mercy with Bailey claiming a further 3 goals the pick of which was a stunning reverse stick deflection into the top corner.  Captain Matt Holmes commented 'it was a top performance and a nice way to finish before Christmas.  With only half a job done the team needs to remain focused and step the pace up in the
second half of the season to achieve our goal of promotion'          

Report by Nick Bailey.