LSHC Mens' Second v St Ives 2nds

Played Away on 13th April 2013
Next Match
18th Jun 2013 Mixed - Home vs Moulton Pool


Alex Canham profile

Favourite Food:
Spaghetti Carbonara
Favourite Song:
eez-eh - Kasabian
Prince Harry / Beaker
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Saturday saw Suttons 2nds travel away to St Ives for their final match this season, a match that had twice been re scheduled due to snow.

With 4 regular squad members unavailable the 2nds called on the services of 2 3rd team regulars, Alex Canham (motm) and King, also having to alter their usual player positioning to compensate for lack if availability. St Ives came at Sutton hard right from the off, and with Sutton already promoted and having sealed the title last week, the fire was noticeably dampened in the Sutton squad, this would ultimately cost then the game. Goalkeeper Cliff however was having a storming game saving 2 penalty flicks in the first half and keeping our numerous shots, Adam Wiles' work rate also paid off getting on the score sheet, along with Canham who scored a sublime deflection goal from a Dan Batten thunderbolt cross.

Going into the break it was all even at 2-2 but Sutton came out as they did in the 1st half, this cost them with St Ives bagging a 3rd. With 15 mins to go Sutton woke up and pressed hard, St Ives barely able to leave their own half, unfortunately it was too little too late as St Ives defended well and Sutton just.couldn't find the scoring form of previous weeks, the home team holding their 1 goal lead, 3-2 to the home side at the final whistle, a disappointing game at the end of an amazing season that has seen Sutton seal promotion 3 games before the season end and become champions with a game in hand.

Report by Matt Holmes.