LSHC Mens' Second v Spalding 2nds

Played Home on 23rd February 2013
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23rd Feb 2013 Ladies 1st - Away vs Watton 1sts


Luke Lovegrove profile


Keen to put in a better performance this week, Sutton started the match at a very high tempo and within 5 minutes were 2-0 up. Danny Batten showed his pace and stick skills to open the scoring before Nick Bailey once again delved into his own Lionel Messi-esque personal collection of sublime finishes to make it 2-0; picking the ball up in the box, feigning to strike at the on rushing keeper, flicking it up hurling style before chipping the keeper all in one movement.

Ordinarily Sutton would go on at this point to win handsomely, however Spalding had not read the script and began working hard to firstly nullify the Sutton threat and then to make chances of their own. Sutton worked hard but with the Spalding tactics working it was no surprise when Spalding cut the defecit and then equalised before half time. With Bailey, Fox and Lovegrove having to work hard deep in their own half to keep Spalding at bay it was a fair reflection of the game when the half time whistle went and the scores were tied.

Sutton came out after the break with the same tempo they started the game and after an excellent hockey move Player of the Match Lovegrove, laid the ball into Ben Shore who finished to make it 3-2. Sutton were obviously wary of not repeating the first half and defended tighter and more as a unit, because of this Spalding never looked like getting back on par and whilst they had chances to increase their lead, Sutton were more intent on keeping it. Winning by a single goal margin is never assured until the final whistle, but Sutton cruised through to the end to secure 3 points and another step towards the ultimate goal of promotion.

Report by Hunter S. Thompson.