LSHC Mens' Second v Cambridge South 2nds

Played Away on 28th September 2013
Next Match
12th Oct 2013 Ladies 2nd - Home vs City of Peterborough 3rds


Sam Gray profile


 Suttons 2nds traveled away to play Cambs South 2nds this weekend, the second game in a league they have just been promoted to. Player availability meant the introduction of 3rd team regulars Ed White and Sam Gray to the squad who both impressed with Gray taking motm. Sutton started as they finished last week pressing hard from the whistle and it wasn't long before Mallett drilled the ball into the 'D' from just inside Souths 25 catching the defence keeper unware causing a deflection and an own goal, this was later followed up by a Mallett trademark reverse bullet. A lapse in Suttons usually alert defence alowed South to capitalise pulling one back. However this woke Sutton and Shore up who completed his first hat trick of the season. 5-1 in Suttons favour at full time, this could have been double figures for Sutton had it not been for some fantastic stops from Souths keeper. An excellent squad performance and a positive result in the new league.

Report by Matt Holmes.