LSHC Mens' Second v Ely City 2nds

Played Home on 5th October 2013
Next Match
5th Oct 2013 Mens 4th - Away vs City of Peterborough 9ths


Steve Kirkham profile


Suttons men's 2nd XI hosted Ely City 2s this weekend. Sutton the return of vice captain Stef Fox and the addition in goal of Steve Kirkham, the game started with pace and it wasn't long before Ben Shore opened the scoring. This fired Ely into action who then pulled one back within minutes of Shores goal. Sutton gathered themselves from being caught out and began to press again with Ryan Mountney and Alex Canham adding a goal each going into halftime 3-1 up.

The second half Ely came out hard and to begin with was end to end, but Jason Mallett soon was given just enough space to drill a lightning reverse shot into Elys backboard. Poor communication in Suttons back line let down their new keeper allowing Ely to score twice, the first a 2 on 1, and then a 3 on 1 with Man of the Match Kirkham. Shore went on to score two more goals to complete his hat trick, putting the ball between Ely's keepers legs from a short corner and an excellent field goal.

A good, but at times scrappy performance from Sutton, showing areas for improvement but going into next week's game top of the league hosting Cambs City 4ths.

Report by Matt Holmes