LSHC Mens' Second v BRooklands MU 2nds - HA Plate

Played Home on 9th March 2014
Next Match
15th Mar 2014 Mens' 1st - Home vs City of Peterborough 3rds


Jeremy Watt profile


Suttons Cup Dream finally came to an end at the hands of a well drilled skilful Manchester side.

The semi-final started evenly with Sutton matching their visitors and the scores remained level for the first 20 minutes; Brooklands took the lead from a well worked move following a defensive lapse from Sutton, they then doubled their lead just before half time with clinical passing opening up the Sutton defence.

Following a rousing team talk from the skipper Sutton started the 2nd half well and a trademark Bailey poachers finish following excellent work from Whatling and the ever willing Fyson halved the deficit, however the visitors broke following a period of Sutton pressure and opened up a two goal margin again. The home side battled on and had their chances to make it closer but sadly on the day it was just not meant to be, the final push never really came as it was a struggle to build momentum following a number of stoppages for injury niggles and yellow cards in what was not a physical match. Towards the end Brooklands managed to add a flattering gloss to the final score line, but in truth the match was much closer than the scoreline suggests.

Sutton's young team will be down having missed their chance of a final, however to a man they left nothing on the sidelines and gave everything. They should be proud of their Cup Run and whilst all of the squad deserve acclaim, Jeremy Watt and Josh Fyson proved again what quality players they are and they like a number of others did not deserve to end up on the losing side.

Finally, a thank you to the fans who have supported the side through this cup run and a well done to the team who have done themselves and Sutton proud - there's always next year boys!

Report by Hunter S Thompson.