LSHC Mens' Third v Long Sutton 4ths

Played Away on 6th October 2012
Next Match
6th Oct 2012 Mens 4th - Home vs Long Sutton 3rds


Brad Sargeant profile

Alvin the Chipmunk

No quarter asked for and none given. A typically blood and thunder inter-club derby where the fourths gamely hung on but ultimately had to bow to the thirds extra touch of class. If Dave Maris in defence was as inflexible as ever, Simon Clarke was the rock on which the third team success was based. With Brad Sargeant holding possession well and using the ball intelligently, the clever movement of the third team young forwards stretched the fourth's defence all ways. Matt King found himself enough space to bag a brace of goals, Sargeant got another, turncoat Dan Fisher also scored and Jack Smith poached another to add to his growing tally. 

The thirds did not have it all their own way though, and in James Baker, Adam Sisson and the returning Russ Brockwell the fourths have a forward line capable of doing some real damage. It was Brockwell who notched the last minute consolation which was nothing less than they deserved. 

Simon "Scrapper" Wakeham made a comeback after a two and a half year injury break and put in a good shift to blow away the cobwebs, but it was his fellow midfielder Harry Thorpe (a mere forty years Scrapper's junior) who took the plaudits as fourth team man of the match for his excellent combination of skill and workrate. 


Report by Ian White.