LSHC Mens' Third v Alford & District 2nds

Played Away on 16th February 2013
Next Match
16th Feb 2013 Mens 4th - Away vs Spalding 5ths


Sam Gray profile


Sutton travelled to Skegness for this rearranged fixture with a young squad but on a run of impressive victories.

Alford started the game well and had much the better of the first half, taking the lead from a penalty flick when a goalbound shot struck the otherwise faultless Micheal Carter. Sutton struggled to find any consistency and it was only work from Carter, Matt King, Matt Grange and player of the match Sam Gray that kept it to 1-0 at half time.

Sutton could not play any worse in the second half and fortunately they did not, with Luke Lovegrove in particular taking the game to Alford but being met by spirited resistance. Just when it was looking like their unbeaten run was about to end, Matt Grange scored a fine solo finish to level the scores with 10 minutes left. Sutton raised their game looking for an winner and with two minutes left Alex Canham scored from an Ed White taken short corner with a shot through a crowd of players hitting an Alford stick on the way.

Sutton will consider themselves fortunate to take all 3 points, however the fighting spirit in the 2nd half was worthy of reward.

Report by Alex Canham.