LSHC Mens' Third v Leadenham 1sts

Played Away on 2nd February 2013
Next Match
2nd Feb 2013 Ladies 1st - Away vs Ipswich 2nds


Sam Gray profile


 Sutton travelled to a Leadenham for this top of the table clash which turned out to be an excellent game of hockey between two hard working teams.

The game was end to end with the young Sutton side defending well against the more experienced Leadenham side; Sam Gray and Ben Maris being particularily effective in the tackle. Sutton struggled to put together consistent spells of pressure but marshalled by Worth and King worked hard as a unit to match the runaway leaders of the division, keeping the game scoreless at half-time.

The second half continued much like the first until Sutton unluckily conceded a goal when a speculative shot from outside the area struck a Sutton stick and wrong footed Albert Slator in the Sutton goal, who prior to that moment had never looked like being beaten after pulling off save after save.

Sutton regrouped and finally managed to exert a period of pressure, from which a series of short corners ensued. It was from one of these that Dan Fisher hit home the equaliser following in after an Ed White/Alex Canham routine had forced a save from the keeper.

A draw was no more than Sutton deserved in what was a very spirited performance from this young team.

Report by Alex Canham.