LSHC Mens' Third v Alford & District 2nds

Played Home on 16th March 2013
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6th Apr 2013 Mens 3rd - Home vs Horncastle 2nds


James Slator profile

Favourite Food:
Favourite Song:
Dead in Ditches - Hollywood Undead
Shane Maguire (Shameless)

Sutton went into their penultimate league fixture knowing that 3 points would secure 2nd spot for the season and made sure of those points with a very efficient performance.

From the start, Sutton took the game to Alford and after a number of fine saves from Alfords young keeper it was no surprise when Matt Grange broke the deadlock after an Ed White/ Alex Canham short corner routine. Canham then went on to make it 2-0 before White scored with a well struck finish to make it 3-0 before half time.

The second half followed a similar pattern to the first, nothing was beating Josh Thody today; Joss Calderbank and Ben Maris defended stoutly; Nick Worth orchestrated the whole game from the defence even dribbling the entire length of the pitch (never before seen on Astroturf, though some club elders spoke after the game of such fabled runs on the old grass pitch!) only to see Alfords young keeper save thrice!; Sullivan worked triangles with Sutton's willing young runners, particularily Player of the Match Jamie Slator and Matt King, and the goals kept coming at regular intervals; with Grange, White and Canham all helping themselves to a second.

An excellent result and an excellent performance to secure 2nd spot in a season where this young team has produced a lot of positives to take forward into next year.

Report by Hunter S. Thompson.