LSHC Mens' Third v Leadenham 1sts

Played Away on 12th October 2013
Next Match
12th Oct 2013 Ladies 1st - Home vs Lincoln 2nds

The home team pressed hard from the start and, during a hectic 20 minutes, Sutton were at full stretch to prevent a score. Sutton mounted several attacks and repeated shots from Jack Smith were well saved by the 14 year old Leadenham keeper. Sutton played well  keeping  the marking tight and were undone only by well worked short corners to lose the first half 2 -0.  

As Sutton pressed forward for a score in the second half, the game opened up and Leadenham took advantage of the extra space.  A topped shot from a poor clearance arced in what seemed like slow motion over the  keeper into the top right corner for the third Leadenham goal.  Another well worked move drew the Sutton keeper out of the goal and a square pass combined with a crisp shot added a fourth. 

The visitors continued to attack and pressurise Leadenham, only to be frustrated by determined efforts to disrupt the Sutton possession.  After a warning by the Umpire,  Leadenham continued to infringe resulting in a yellow card for an unfortunate Ireland (Snr).  Sutton stuck to their task of playing well and attacking  the D but without the final reward they desperately sought.

As the rain began to fall Sutton began to lose grip of both their sticks and the game; Bishops' stick launching  further into the oppositions half than the pass was ever likely to.  An air shot in the D was penalised with yet  another short corner and Leadenham worked the ball behind a menacing  Sutton keeper;  slapping in off the inside of the post for the fifth.

A disappointing result and small reward for Long Sutton after a decent performance.

Report by Albert Slator