LSHC Mens' Third v St Ives 4ths

Played Home on 2nd November 2013
Next Match
9th Nov 2013 Ladies 1st - Home vs City of Peterborough 2nds


Gary Hales profile


Two equally matched sides battled hard in the first half and great defensive work from  Nick Worth, the two Maris boys and Bishop denied St Ives  a scoring chance.  Sutton also pressed forward and a magnificent  point blank reflex save from the young St Ives keeper kept the scores at nil – nil at half time.

The visitors pressurised the Sutton goal early in the second half and a mid air straight drive crashed the ball into the net to give St Ives a 1-0 lead.

Sutton changed gear and in a dominant spell  Baker, Sullivan and Sisson began to work together as a team. New boy Gary  Hales scored from open play and then once more from well struck short corner.

With five minutes to go Hales repeated the short corner routine striking the ball well for his hat-trick. 

As the umpire signalled for two remaining minutes of play St Ives worked the ball down the right wing and along the by-line failing to score but gaining a crucial short corner. From the short the cleared ball was worked down the same by-line channel  and tucked beneath the Sutton keeper  to bring the score to 3-2.

With seconds remaining Sutton nervously watched both the St Ives forwards and the Umpire to close out the game and earn three crucial league points.

Report by Albert Slator.