LSHC Mens' Third v Leadenham 1sts

Played Home on 11th January 2014
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11th Jan 2014 Mens 4th - Away vs Leadenham 2nds


David Maris profile


Sutton started well with a forward line of Thorpe, Sisson, Smith and Slator taking the game to Leadenham.  Both teams attacked with gusto, thwarted by saves at each end of the pitch by a young diminutive keeper and older bulkier goalie!

Leadenham are a determined well drilled side and their combination of patient passing hockey and aggressive committed tackling resulted in a converted short corner and a goal from open play to lead 0-2 at half time.

A third goal from open play early in the second half meant Sutton had to push forward and play up the pitch. Sutton attacked with dazzling runs from MOM David Maris but failed to convert several short corners. As Sutton tired it left more space for Leadenham to counter attack and efficiently convert their opportunities. A final score of 0-6 was unflattering for a Sutton side that battled so well but unfortunately lacked the team discipline and final touch of their opponents.

Dan Fishers full lung capacity and Ed Whites distribution were Sutton highlights, as was the ferocious tackling from Calvin Bishop and Ben Maris that at times unsettled the Leadenham strikers. New boy Ryan Mountney put in an excellent performance and will be a valued addition to the squad if umpiring duties allow it.

Report by Albert Slator.