LSHC Mens' Third v Cambridge City Vets

Played Home on 22nd February 2014
Next Match
1st Mar 2014 Ladies 2nd - Home vs Woodhall Spa 1sts


Ben Maris profile

Favourite Food:
Favourite Song:
Afterlife - Avenge Sevenfold


Sutton faced this fixture against the league leaders with a feeling of trepidation as the visitors had scored an average of six goals per game but conceded  only one per game this season.

Sutton started well and matched the visitors with grit and determination. David Maris swept away Cambridge attacks and put his body on the line to defend short corners.  Matt King and Nick Worth were solid in defence linking well with Lovegrove, Hales and White to launch counter attacks.

The midfield effort was rewarded by a solo dribble by White, around two players and a reverse stick flick into the corner of the goal. 21 players stood awestruck – this was not part of the script!

Cambridge mounted yet another attack and equalised with an equally skilful reverse tap into the corner from close range. Score at half time 1-1.

The end to end tussle continued throughout the second half, with Jack Smith sprinting into space to confound the veteran defence. Harry Thorpe, to the joy of the whole team scored with a reflex jab at goal from a midfield pass to put Sutton into the lead. The reply from the Vets was to skilfully place the ball yet again onto a Sutton defenders foot and the resulting short corner was converted. 2-2.

Sustained pressure from Cambridge  was met with vigorous defending from Adam Sisson and Calvin Bishop, who faced their task with resolution and commitment.  Sutton players for once all gave 110% effort and unburdened by nerves and expectation began to play the hockey they were always capable of.

Nick Worth's inspired move to right back opened up attacking channels from the midfield down the right hand side. Space began to open up behind the attacking visitors and expert passing from Lord Lovegrove and inspired interceptions and movement from James Slator, kept the visitors defence busy.

Despite the end to end battle both sides retained their sense of humour and fair play, with green cards for Bishop and Albert Slator respectfully received and duly acknowledged.

As storm clouds began to gather over the pitch and the electricity crackled in the air, a one –two movement down the right released Gary Hales at the top of the D and his text book left post shot was slapped home by the lightning quick Harry Thorpe, modestly celebrated by the 14 year old amongst his proud team mates.

Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed but game was far from over and Cambridge continued to mount attacks managing to converted  another of their many short corners with a simple pass and flick to equalise at 3-3.

As both teams tired Sutton realised they could run into space past City's skilful defenders and pressurise the visitors goal.  A reward with six minutes from full time was a well struck short corner shot from Hales outside the D deflected from a defenders stick and into the goal. 4-3.

Sutton needed six more minutes of heroic effort from their squad to win their game of the season, but the weather conspired to add a memorable twist to Suttons outstanding performance.

Sheet lightning flashed across the pitch and both keepers wondered if it was the wisest thing to be standing in a field under a metal goalpost.

As Cambridge attacked the heavens opened and rainfall of biblical proportions teamed down followed by hailstones that covered the pitch. Cambridge won a short corner as the storm raged around them but both teams could hardly see the ball or each other as puddles covered the playing surface and hailstones bounced off their sodden shirts.

With two minutes to go the Umpires conferred and agreed that the pitch and conditions had become dangerous and the game could not be continued.

 With such a short period of play remaining  and the conditions deteriorating the match officials decided that  full time had been reached and the final whistle blew to confirm Sutton the deserved winners at 4-3.


Cambs. City Vets arrived with a strong team with one or two new faces to do battle in this 5NW game.

Sutton had already beaten the league leaders 4-3 on 25th Jan, but at the request of the Cambs. City Captain the rearranged fixture took place, allowing the Vets ( now league champions) another chance to claim the points they wanted but did not need.

Lightning did not strike twice. Every Sutton player battled hard to stay with the talented Cambs. players, and were unlucky to concede a goal just before half time.  

Sutton created many chances, hitting the post twice. The Vets keeper made many quality saves in a casual manner as if he was used to a much higher standard of play.

Cambs. were first to score in the second half and quickly added a third. Sutton were awarded a flick for a deliberate goal line infringement, but failed to convert.

Sutton tempers began to fray as Cambs. used feet and obstruction at free hits to slow the Sutton attacks, but no cards were issued.

As the home team tired the Vets  converted two well struck short corners to give a flattering score line of 5-0.

A great exhibition by Cambridge of what you have to do to become Champions.


Report by Albert Slator.