LSHC Mens' Third v City of Peterborough 8ths

Played Home on 8th February 2014
Next Match
8th Feb 2014 Mens 4th - Away vs Bourne Deeping 5ths


David Maris profile


For a change the 3rd team squad had an embarrassment of riches as 16 players made themselves available for this must-win home fixture.

5NW survival depended on the result and once the home team settled down they created many chances with an Ed White reverse stick flick and a crisp strike by Gary Hales separating the teams at half time.

The Sutton pressure continued in the second half with a skilful performances from new boy Ben Smith and veteran Lovegrove. Good work by the Peterborough keeper and defenders  kept Sutton at bay as shots whistled by both posts and the crossbar.

 A second goal by Gary from a great passing move was matched by a Peterborough flick into the net from their young  striker.

At 3-1  Peterborough saw a glimmer of light and mounted a fight back but several short corners were met with determined defence from Albert Slator, David Maris, Sam Gray and Matt King.

Adam Sisson and Jack Smith marked their forwards closely and thwarted many Peterborough attacks before they began.

Gary clinched his hat trick with 10 minutes to go and Sutton were able to close out the game for a crucial 4-1 win.

Report by Albert Slator.