LSHC Mens' Fourth v Spalding 4ths

Played Away on 29th September 2012
Next Match
20th Oct 2012 Mens' 2nd - Away vs Spalding 3rds


Sam Gray profile


Despite the score line which flattered Spalding a little, Sutton will take heart from this match, because several of their players gave signs of real progress. Sam Gray in the heart of the defence showed that confidence has been the only element lacking from his game. David Shire demonstrated great awareness and a clean striking ability. Harry Thorpe displayed all the speed and tigerish tackling we have seen for years in the junior section. 


Ian White returned to the midfield which extended the team's range of passing if it did little for its mobility. The forward three of Stephen Milnes, Jack Smith and Adam Sisson were always available and hungry for the ball. Smith's pace and Sisson's guile constantly troubling the home side's defence. 

With the score at 2-0 at half time, Sutton were well in the match, but they soon learned the dangers of losing possession in their own territory, when twice Spalding's experienced players seized on mistakes and converted them into goals. 


Sutton never gave up though, and the youngsters grew into the game. Good work from Milnes presented the ball to George Smith who smuggled it through to Sisson. His calm and precise finish showed that our newly-discovered gem is acquiring a little more polish. 


The confidence gained from these early performances will be put to the test over the coming weeks as the fourths play arguably the top three teams in the division in succession, beginning with the biggest fixture of the lot – against our own thirds. The third team spies were out in force, but they will face a different line-up again as the fourths hope to welcome back headline-grabbing hero, James Baker-Burton.

Report by Ian White.