LSHC Mens' Fourth v Horncastle 2nds

Played Away on 13th October 2012
Next Match
13th Oct 2012 Mens' 2nd - Home vs City of Peterborough 7ths


Sam Gray profile


Sutton's fourths travelled to Horncastle and put up a creditable performance against a very solid, experienced home side, in a Div 6NW (N) match which started a little late due to the mud being scraped off the pitch. Long Sutton's goalkeeping crisis brought the return of Simon Clarke to the position after an absence of seven years and he single-handedly kept Horncastle's brand of long ball hockey at bay as Sutton's young defence initially struggled to cope, but as the game went on Sam Gray underlined his recent improvement with a textbook tackling display and having gained some possession, Sutton pushed forward down the flanks, with Dan Fisher and Adam Sisson working well on the right wing and Calvin Bishop bursting forward from left back. It is good experience for Sutton's forwards to come up against physical defenders. Sisson in particular is adapting very quickly, receiving the ball with his back to goal and turning the defender with ease. At the moment it seems he could turn anything!

Substitute Ed White had a day to forget, attempting to intercept a bullet cross from Horncastle's right wing, he succeeded only in deflecting it into the top corner of his own goal. Moments later he slipped on the muddy surface and sprained his ankle, pretty much ruling himself out of the rest of the game. Sic transit gloria (ed)mundi.

Once again, though, the fourths found the net at the right end of the pitch as, from a slick passsing move, Jack Smith, son of vice captain Jeremy 'horse whisperer' Smith, found himself alone in the D three yards out to slot home in the first half and later on Simon Wakeham helped himself to a second goal for the visitors, pouncing on a short corner rebound.

Another game that looks like a heavy loss for the fourths, but they are playing some good hockey and moving the ball with confidence, confidence that will be sorely needed when they entertain league leaders Leadenham next week.

Report by Ian White.