LSHC Mens' Fourth v Leadenham 1sts

Played Home on 20th October 2012
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20th Oct 2012 Mens 3rd - Away vs Spalding 4ths


Joshua Thody profile

Favourite Food:
Spaghetti Bolognese
Favourite Song:
Heartbreaker - Her Bright Skies
Justin Bieber

 Having conceded fifteen to Leadenham in this fixture last season, this rates as something of a triumph for the fledgling fourths. Indeed at half time with the score only 1-0 to the high-flying visitors, anything was still possible. That the defence kept the final tally to only four was a real credit to the team as a whole, but in particular to the effort of full-backs David Shire and Joss Calderbank (who had his best game in a Sutton shirt), the organisation of Jeremy Smith and Simon Wakeham in the middle and the inspirational form of keeper Josh Thody, who saved two penalty strokes and very nearly made it a hat trick of sorts when he got his hands on a third.

The defensive discipline ebbed in the second half and the game was in danger of being derailed by a spate of yellow cards, but when Sutton scored through a deflected Ian White shot from their only short corner of the match, a goal was no less than they deserved. Leadenham have strength and depth and were worthy victors, but Sutton are developing a great spirit and determination which is good to see.

Sutton welcomed another old timer back into the side, with John Sullivan enjoying himself hugely in attack.

Report by Ian White