LSHC Mens' Fourth v Spalding 5ths

Played Away on 15th December 2012
Next Match
15th Dec 2012 Ladies 2nd - Away vs Horncastle 1sts


Ian White profile


Honours even in this local derby played in a proper festive spirit. Spalding were never behind in the match after taking the lead through a penalty stroke. Sutton replied through a penalty of their own, but soon found themselves trailing by a couple of goals, being guilty of allowing time to the lively Spalding forwards. They pulled one back with an own goal after a great through ball from Dan Oldfield. Ian White added to his flick with a strike from open play and it was all square. Again the hosts took the lead, but skipper White pegged them back once more with a looping drag flick from a short corner to complete his hat trick. Spalding thought they had it in the bag with a fifth goal, but Ollie Gayford pounced on a loose ball from a short corner to restore parity which was a fair outcome for both teams. Sutton will reflect on a couple of golden chances which could have sealed three points and boosted them off the bottom of the league. One a missed penalty stroke from the returning centre forward and another when Jack Smith's goal bound effort was somehow cleared off the line by his team mate's foot. (Don't worry Dan; we won't say whose foot it was!)

Some great performances from the Sutton players. Harry Thorpe – tireless in attack and defence, Stephen Milnes had his best game of the season, Joss Calderbank defended with nerves of steel, and Jeremy Smith marshalled his back line superbly, blotting his copybook only once. His brakes failed on the greasy surface when at top speed and he slid into a Spalding striker with the sort of two footed challenge that would get a straight red card in any football match. Sutton coped well with his temporary absence though, and with a good result and another good performance behind them the fourth team can be very proud of what they have achieved in the first half of the season, they can tuck into their turkey with relish and come back in the New Year fit, refreshed and raring to go.

Report by Ian White.