LSHC Mens' Fourth v Horncastle 2nds

Played Home on 1st December 2012
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Joshua Thody profile

Favourite Food:
Spaghetti Bolognese
Favourite Song:
Heartbreaker - Her Bright Skies
Justin Bieber

If success for this season for the fourths can be measured in terms of being competitive in every match, then it has already been a successful run. Horncastle went away with the points, but will know they have been in a game. Very even in the early stages, the visitors took the lead just before the break after Sutton had conceded a string of short corners. Josh Thody brought his first team experience and best form to the game and could not have done more, saving numerous shots and clearing his lines with aplomb. Up front, the Fourths subtle blend of youth and experience worried Horncastle's defence all day, with James Baker and John Sullivan creating chances for themselves and Stephen Milnes, Kieran Forrest and Dan Oldfield gamely tracking up and down the flanks. Baker helped himself to another goal as he pounced on a short corner, nimbly pirouetted and slipped the ball past the onrushing keeper.

Horncastle did however pull away in the second half as the combination of long spells of pressure and a series of injuries to the home side finally paid dividends.

David Shire and Joss Calderbank put in some committed tackling with the latter managing to wipe out his own team mate in one full-blooded challenge. Simon Wakeham never saw him coming.

In the final analysis this was a workmanlike rather than inspired performance from Sutton, with the visitors' extra class in midfield being the difference, but the youngsters in the side are learning fast and improving week by week.

Report by Ian White.