LSHC Mens' Fourth v Spalding 4ths

Played Away on 9th February 2013
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9th Feb 2013 Ladies 2nd - Away vs Horncastle 2nds


Jeremy Smith profile


 Spalding's home advantage took them to victory in a closely-fought Div 6NW match. Although the hosts had the bulk of possession, Sutton's defence was well-organised by Jeremy Smith and Calvin Bishop and looked comfortable, with the only first half score an own goal, conceded when the otherwise impeccable Josh Thody calmly allowed the ball past him.

Spurred on by the returning Jason Mallet, Sutton continually pressed, with Adam Sisson back to his best, and it was clear that getting a result was not beyond them. However, after an injury to striker Jack Smith left them with only the bare eleven fit players, the fourteen man Spalding squad eventually wore them down. It is a measure of the spirit in the side that even in the last five minutes, after conceeding a further two goals, it was Sutton's youngsters who were still pressing forward with their heads up. There was still time before the final whistle for Mallet to execute one of his trademark reverse stick finishes for a consolation goal.

Report by Ian White