LSHC Mens' Fourth v Leadenham 1sts

Played Home on 9th March 2013
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9th Mar 2013 Mens 3rd - Away vs Spalding 4ths


David Shire profile


Leadenham came to Long Sutton looking for an easy victory so that they could start the party to celebrate being crowned Div6NW champions. When they saw Ian White reluctantly making his first (and last) league appearance in goal, they must have smelt blood and fancied getting their season's goal tally above the 100 mark.

But Sutton's fourths are nobody's pushovers. The visitors found themselves in a dogfight against a side that has not taken a backward step all year. Although two early short corner goals should have dented Sutton's confidence, they fought back well, with John Sullivan rolling back the years to score a fine solo effort. Leadenham had most of the possession but the entire defence of Jeremy Smith, Simon Wakeham, Ollie Gayford and man of the match David Shire played exceptionally. Their marking, hustling and tackling was an object lesson in how to protect a novice keeper.

At 4-1 with two more goals that a proper keeper would have saved, the game should have been over, but again Sutton pressed forward with Dan Oldfield and Kieran Forrest playing well, and after a goalmouth scramble, Andy Clarke forced the ball over the line for his first goal of the season. A late deflected goal gave Leadenham the victory margin their possession probably deserved, but it was a fantastic team effort by Long Sutton.

Report by Ian White.