LSHC Mens' Fourth v Horncastle 2nds

Played Away on 2nd November 2013
Next Match
2nd Nov 2013 Ladies 1st - Away vs Royston 1sts


Joss Calderbank profile

Goal Keeper

Sutton's young fourths showed great resilience after dropping to a three goal deficit inside the first ten minutes. Fielding seven or eight under sixteens against sides with an average age closer to thirty means Long  Sutton's developmental side's players are having to grow up quickly. Having been blitzed by Horncastle's opening salvo, they picked themselves up and competed well. Stephen Milnes had a sound first outing filling in as a full back and Dan Oldfield hustled well in midfield. Despite excellent defending from old hands Jeremy Smith and Simon Wakeham, it was the trio of youngsters Kane Portass, Will White and Harry Synnott who dragged Sutton forward, with good work down the right leading to a crossfield ball for an unmarked Synnott to despatch calmly his first senior goal. An encouraging performance all round against the league leaders, but Sutton ran out of steam towards the end and were once again indebted to keeper Joss Calderbank for a string of fine saves.

Report by Ian White.