LSHC Mens' Fourth v Spalding 5ths

Played Home on 22nd March 2014
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22nd Mar 2014 Mens' 1st - Away vs Harleston Magpies 2nds (Water-Based Pitch)


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It would have been great to finish the season with a win for Sutton's fledgling fourths, but it was not to be against Ed Sly and his merry band of Spalding youth. Sutton Old Boy Sly bossed the midfield, releasing willing runners and made it hard for Sutton to exert any sustained pressure, as they conceded possession all to easily. It was a scoreless deadlock at half time, with Dan Oldfield playing well in an unfamiliar midfield position, and a rearguard of John Goodley, John Sullivan, Jeremy Smith and Matt Portass defending tenaciously, but the visitors managed to take their second half chances well, one goal coming from a bouncing ball in the D and the others from well-crafted short corners.



It has been a really enjoyable season for the fourths, who have over the year welcomed nine players who had never played adult league hockey before. Most of them have actually benefitted from the experience! All the squad can be very proud, especially those such as Joss Calderbank, Stephen Milnes and Dan Oldfield who had to adapt to different positions, but did so with enthusiasm and relish. Also our gaggle of youngsters coming into the side for the first time: Lewis Shooter, Kane Portass, Harry Synnott and Will White, all of whom grew visibly as the season went on. Big things are expected of these guys.



Thanks to everyone who helped, played and umpired. Roll on next season.


Report by Ian White.