LSHC Mens' Fourth v Spalding 4ths

Played Away on 8th March 2014
Next Match
8th Mar 2014 Ladies 2nd - Away vs Wisbech 2nds


Harry Thorpe profile


The home team just shaded an entertaining contest in Div 6NW, taking all three points and withstanding a late surge from Sutton's fourths. Sutton began slowly and conceded an early goal, with stand-in keeper Albert Slater left stranded, but he made several excellent saves to keep the match alive even after the second goal went in. It was only after a good move down the right wing from Jack Smith and Kieran Forrest leading to a brave finish from Kane Portass, that Sutton realised they were still in the match and they collectively stepped up a gear. With John Goodley and Dan Oldfield asserting themselves in defence, Sutton pressed forward and after being awarded a short corner, a moment of panic from Spalding saw them concede a bizarre own goal. A defender tried to sweep the ball clear but succeeded only in hooking it towards his own goal where it deflected off a second defender to trickle unluckily into their own net. Harry Thorpe had a chance for glory near the end, but sliced his effort, marring an otherwise excellent performance.

Report by Ian White.