LSHC Mens' Fourth v Pelicans - Friendly

Played Away on 14th September 2013
Next Match
17th Sep 2013 Ladies 1st - Home vs Pelicans - Friendly


Adam Sisson profile

Steve The Pirate!

A new season and a new look for the fourths. Despite the veteran members being even older, the side's average age goes down sharply with an influx of youth and talent. Four home grown Long Sutton juniors made their debuts against a vastly experienced and physical Pelicans side. All of them carried the skill and poise they have shown in junior matches into the senior arena with aplomb. Lewis Shooter marked well at centre back, Will White used the ball sensibly at right midfield and Kane Portass and Harry Synnott's movement and possession up front were straight out of the coaching manual. Goalkeeper Joss Calderbank made some great saves in his first game as goalkeeper, even though the team did conspire to give him more practice at picking the ball out of the net than he would have liked. Adam Sisson held the side together with a man-of–the-match performance and Ian White sneaked the consolation goal from a short corner which was nothing less than his team deserved. With three more under sixteens in Dan Oldfield, Kieran Forrest and Stephen Milnes carrying on their good work from last year, good things will happen this season and beyond. The future is bright – the future is green!

Report by Ian White.