LSHC Mixed v Spalding

Played Home on 3rd February 2013
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9th Feb 2013 Ladies 1st - Home vs Ipswich 3rds


Ashley Taylor profile


When the Mixed Cup Draw threw these two local rivals together, no one would have envisaged the thrilling match that it would produce.

Sutton started well and took the game to Spalding producing good chances before finally taking the lead through a fortunate own goal off of a Spalding stick. Sutton continued to press and it was no surprise when Sutton's Goal Machine Nick Bailey scored a second. Spalding were never out of the game and it was only thanks to some great defending from Tania White, Jess Hudson and the imperious Lorraine Wallis that the Sutton goal was left intact for so long. However, Jacqui Hunter scored a goal that Bailey would have been proud of to reduce the deficit, before, not to be outdone, Bailey restored the 2 goal margin just prior to half time.

The second half started with Sutton seemingly drunk on the euphoria of Baileys finishes and this resulted in a loss of concentration. Sensing this Spalding raised their game and moving the ball well had Sutton's midfield duo hurling themselves into all four corners of the pitch. Only Ash Taylor, who seemed to cover every tuft of the turf matched Spalding's intensity as Spalding scored three goals to turn the 3-1 deficit into a 4-3 lead. The goals were good finishes from Hunter with her second and a brace for Michael Morris; there looked little way back for Long Sutton however Taylor drove Sutton forward and Bailey won two penalty flicks, the first from Sisson well saved by the Spalding keeper Price who had a very impressive match and the second scored by Harrison to level the scores.

The match was set up for a grandstand finish and it did not disappoint - Sutton Captain Sisson, turned from villain into hero with two minutes to go; there looked little danger when Taylor pushed a precise pass to Sisson on the half way line but a jinking run beating five Spalding defenders before turning the keeper and sweeping the ball home gave Sutton the decisive lead.

A harsh result on Spalding after an impressive performance, but the little extra quality that Taylor, Wallis and Bailey provided and a piece of individual brilliance from Sisson were the difference at the end of a match contested and supported in a good spirit.

Report by Hunter S Thompson.