LSHC Ladies First v Ipswich 3nds

Played Away on 20th October 2012
Next Match
20th Oct 2012 Mens' 1st - Home vs Cambridge University 2sts


Sally Cade profile


 Long Sutton Ladies travelled away this week, but despite the journey started the game very sprightly. They passed the ball well, creating many goal scoring chances, but struggled to gain the finish required. Their perseverence paid off when Robyn Gribble came onto the pitch, using her first touch of the game to put Sutton 1 - 0 up. At the start of the second half Sutton seemed stretched in defence, after Ipswich Ladies changed their formation to only three in defence. This made them more dangerous on the attack, however it left Ipswich open in defence, allowing Sutton to take a 2 - 0 lead with Rebecca Kierman slotting in a cross on the far post. Sutton lost Gemma Parr to injury, allowing Ipswich to then penetrate their defence and get a goal back. This spurred Sutton on, with some great attacking runs down the wing from Charlene Leuty and Gribble, who was able to cross the ball nicely to Kierman, who again to slotted the ball in on the far post, to finish the game 3 - 1 up and 3 points in the bag. Player of the match was Sally Cade for her excellent defencive and attacking play.