LSHC Ladies Second v Skegness 1sts

Played Home on 18th January 2014
Next Match
18th Jan 2014 Mens 3rd - Away vs Newmarket 2nds


Jeorgia Carr profile


Long Sutton lined up with a young side which are no push over. Skegness had a changed side for this away fixture and were stronger and more experienced. It was only a short time before they opened there account with a well taken short corner strike. The Sutton mid field could not contain the strength of the Skegness attacks and although CJ Robinson in goal made some excellent saves, Skegness added another two well worked goals. Sutton were awarded a penalty flick, after a penetrating run from Emma Howell forced the foul, Temple tried her luck against the Skegness keeper but failed to convert. Going to the break they were down 3-0.

In the second half Sutton made some great opportunities and had the Skegness keeper working hard, unfortunately for Sutton she was on top form. Finally after hard work from Jeorgia Carr having to come deep to collect the ball, finally she worked a shot off from the right, towards goal, Millie Lamming in what is fast becoming her trademark finish slotted the ball in. Sutton were encouraged by this and despite Skegness increasing there tally to 5 they pressed forward, winning another flick this time Carr stepped up but failed to convert against the in form keeper.

Report by Sam Carr.