LSHC Mens' Third v Spalding 4ths

Played Home on 8th December 2012
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16th Feb 2013 Mens' 2nd - Away vs March Town 2nds


Russ Brockwell profile


Sutton 3rds started the game well against a determined Spalding 4ths side. With Simpson and Worth dominating the central midfield area, the forward quartet of Fox, Grange, White and Canham linked well to create a number of chances; it was from one of these link plays that Canham set Fox up to open the scoring.

Spalding fought back and it was only good work from the defence, particularily Gray and keeper Albert Slator that kept Sutton's lead intact. 10 minutes before the break skipper Slator brought on Brockwell from the bench onto the right wing and he finished with his second touch to make the score 2-0 at half time.

The second half followed the same pattern as the first and it was no surprise when Canham followed up to score after some good work from Fox and Brockwell scored his second and Suttons 3rd with an angled finish from Whites cross.

The scoring was completed when Canham claimed his 2nd with a well hit shot from the edge of the D. The scoreline reflecting an excellent all round performance from the 3rds who remain 2nd on the 6NW league.

Report by Alex Canham.