LSHC Mens' Fourth v Alford & District 2nds

Played Home on 22nd September 2012
Next Match
29th Sep 2012 Mens' 1st - Away vs Norwich City 1sts


James Baker profile


553 is the number.

That's how many days since the men's fourths tasted victory in a league match. That streak is now broken and every one of the fourths (mainly) young squad can feel very proud of what was an excellent team performance.

Alford played their part to the full in an open and good-natured match and will feel aggrieved to come away with nothing after hitting the post twice. That takes nothing away from a committed defence in which ‘keeper Josh Thody was outstanding, ably backed up by some fine tackling from Sam Gray, Calvin Bishop and Ollie Gayford.

Going forward, Scott Ingram's mobility was crucial, but everyone put in a good shift, with George Smith having one of his best games for the club and youngsters Harry Thorpe and Stephen Milnes making promising debuts and slotting right in as if they had been playing men's hockey for years.

Whisper it quietly, but we may have unearthed a diamond. Adam Sisson played his first league game and looked like a hardened veteran and not a raw novice. Great to see some more of the Sisson family magic.

But the star of the day, man of the match and goal scoring hero, was James "Bod" Baker. His finding of space on the pitch, ball control (and self-control) were exemplary and his finish – a canny sliding push past the keeper – was a little piece of magic suited to the occasion. Let's hope he is back for good.

Thanks to everyone in the team – it was a real pleasure to captain such a willing and hard working bunch. We should enjoy this winning feeling, but keep that level of hard work to make sure we don't have to wait another 553 days to experience it again.

Report by Ian White.