LSHC Mens' Fourth v Long Sutton 3rds

Played Home on 23rd February 2013
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23rd Feb 2013 Mens 3rd - Away vs Long Sutton 4ths


Adam Sisson profile

Steve The Pirate!

The last of the inter club derbies this season in Division 6NW saw Sutton's third team complete a clean sweep of the fixture, but not before being made to work hard by the fourths. With so many youngsters in the fourths wanting to show themselves worthy of promotion to the thirds and so many of the third team determined to deny them that opportunity, to say nothing of clubhouse and even family bragging rights this was never going to be a lukewarm affair. In a tense opening period it was the fourths who started with the better passing hockey, as their senior counterparts were too hasty in trying to shell the ball into the D. Jason Mallet opened the scoring with a bullet from the edge of the D as for once the defensive organisation lapsed and them claimed his second just before the half. The fourths defended well with David Shire and Dan Oldfield outstanding, but when lynchpin Russ Brockwell went off with a broken thumb they were pegged back even further and conceded again, when Ed White shot low into the corner. The fourths never give up though and pressed forward, with Ian White deflecting in at the third attempt to get a goal that the team's effort deserved. But before the game reached it's end, Calvin Bishop popped up to tuck in a cross at the far post to leave the final score at 4-1.

Report by Ian White