LSHC Ladies First v Lincoln 2nds

Played Away on 25th January 2014
Next Match
25th Jan 2014 Mens' 2nd - Away vs Cambridge City 4ths


Gemma Parr profile

Favourite Food:
Anything Edible
Favourite Song:
Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
Theodore (Chipmunks)

 The ladies first 11 travelled to Lincoln for their away fixture against their 2nds. It was a game we dominated in the first half of the season however we knew after our recent lack of goal conversions that we could not enter this game complacent. It was great to have Robyn Gribble and Jeorgia Carr back and involved in the game I knew that a strong 13 player squad was required.

Alterations were made to the formation to give us a more attacking outlet which required a bit more from some players.

The game started slightly scrappy and it took a while for us to get used to the new pitch surface at the Lindum. Some good defensive work from Rachael Gadsden , Tania White and Jess Hudson ensured any early breaks at the Long Sutton goal resulted in no outcome for Lincoln.

Sutton started to dominant play and around 20 minutes in a great bit of play in the centre of the pitch allowed Gribble to break and slip a pass to Leanne Woodhead who was free in the D who was able to flick the ball over the on coming Lincoln keeper 1-0 to Sutton. Just before half time a pass from Woodhead found Jeorgia Carr who had made a great run down the right wing who slotted the ball in to the D that was calmly put away by Gribble who had a great return to the Sutton team!

Half time soon came and it was a time to reflect and build further on our performance. We knew we had so much more to give. With great play in the middle if the park from Louise Southgate, Charlie Leuty and Fiona Gray allowed us to continue attacking whilst defensive midfield work from Sally Cade and Gemma Parr was solid from the start.

It wasn't long before a ball was swept through the middle of the pitch by Parr for Woodhead to pounce on and hammer home from the top of D 3-0 and the motion of the game was with us. Shortly after some great team work allowed Woodhead to again find space at the top of the D to send a reverse hit past the Lincoln keeper. Some great running by Lisa Baker began creating further opportunities and sutton could have / should have had many more! The 5th goal came after some great midfield work once again found Woodhead who managed to drag the keeper and once again reverse hit this in to the goal.

The game finished 5-0 and I think it was credit that all goals were great team goals! We still have a lot of work to do and I believe we can do so much more but a clean sheet and 5 goals is a great way to get back on track.

Mom for her constant running , solid play and hard work deservedly went to Gemma Parr.

Report by Leanne Woodhead.