LSHC Ladies Second v Bourne Deeping 2nds

Played Away on 26th October 2013
Next Match
26th Oct 2013 Mens' 2nd - Home vs Bourne Deeping 2nds


Jeorgia Carr profile


Long Sutton were quick out of the blocks again this week, the mid field Jones, Carr and Gray were dominant creating chances for the forward line of Howell, Kierman and Baker. Emma Howell and Amber Jones linked up well running the left side defence ragged both strong contenders for player of the match. All the hard work resulted in Howell and Kierman bagging one a piece going into the interval.

A tactical change going into the second half was key to the final score line. Jeorgia Carr worked tirelessly in the centre and Howells speed in possession undid Bourne Deeping countless times, creating chance after chance across the face of the goal. The Bourne keeper had to be on her game and kept a barrage of attacking play out of the goal, including saving a Penalty Flick from Sam Carr. Suttons finishing could have been more clinical, but no one could fault what was created. The pressure and possession was impressive. Howell finished her days work with a fantastic four goals. Kierman bagged a hat trick and Baker a single goal from her non stop assault on the Bourne goal. Bourne Deeping snatched a late well taken goal, with two of there young players linking well.

Report by Sam Carr